Online Payments

Make a payment any time, anywhere, for any amount.

Written by Zandra George
Updated over a week ago

Make a payment any time, anywhere, for any amount.

Add a payment method

Parents can add as many payment methods (credit or debit cards) as they like to their account.

To add a card:

  1. Tap on the Settings tab on the KinderPass app.

  2. On the top right of the screen, tap on the 3 dots (...)

  3. Select payment settings > Add card > Add new card

  4. Enter the card details and tap on (✔) to save.

  5. Your card details will be saved for future use.

Make a payment

Parents can make a payment for the amount due, amount overdue or any other amount against their child’s balance from their Kinderpass app at any time.

This can be done directly from the Billing tab within the KinderPass app.

To make a payment:

  1. Navigate to the Billing tab on your mobile app and tap on the Pay button.

  2. Choose the child you want to make a payment for. [Note: In the case of multiple children, you can choose the child you want to make payment for, from the dropdown list.]

  3. Select whether you would like to pay the amount due, amount overdue or any other desired amount.

  4. The total amount will reflect the amount chosen by the parent including any additional processing fee, if any.

  5. Tap on the Pay button.

  6. If you have already added a card, select the card that you want to make the payment from.

  7. If there is no card available, you can add a card during the payment process. Simply Tap on Add Card, enter the card details, select if you would like to save this card for future payments and tap on Pay.

  8. If the payment is successful, the invoice will automatically be reflected on the Billing tab under recent transactions as Online - Success.

  9. If the payment fails, the invoice will automatically be reflected as Online - Failed.

Enable Autopay on your KinderPass app

Firstly, check with your center if they have registered for Autopay.

  1. Go to your profile.

  2. Click on the top right three dots (...)

  3. Select payment settings.

  4. To add a card, enter your card details and tap the checkmark.

  5. If you have already added a card, select the card you would like to keep as a primary card. This is a mandatory step if you want to enable autopay.

  6. To enable autopay, move the toggle switch from manual pay towards autopay.

Paying Ahead

When making a payment, parents are able to either pay the amount due, amount overdue or any other desired amount. If the payer opts to pay any other amount which is more than their current balance, this overpayment will display on the KinderPass App in the billing tab, under recent transactions as a credit. The balance due amount will turn green and display the total account credit.

Any future charges will be deducted from this account credit prior to displaying a new balance owed.


1. Do you accept bank transfers for online payments?

As of now, we only accept debit and credit cards for online payments. We plan to launch bank transfers by the end of this October.

2. Can I still pay offline at the centre?

Yes. You can continue to make the payments offline, at your child's centre.

3. How safe is online Payments on KinderPass?

KinderPass is using Stripe to facilitate payments.

Stripe is certified to PCI Service Provider Level 1 and has been audited by a PCI-certified auditor. This is the most stringent level of certification available in the payments industry. KinderPass does not store any data or credit card information.

4. Why am I charged an additional amount as processing fee?

All online card payments carry a certain percentage of processing fee.

5. How do I stop a payment that is processing, if I realize I have made an error?

If you have made a payment that is currently in a Pending/Processing status, neither KinderPass nor the centre has any ability to cancel or stop the pending charge.

The charge must be marked as Paid in order for your program to take action on it.

The centre is responsible for administering all refunds to parents.

6. What type of cards are accepted on the KinderPass App by Stripe?

In general, Stripe platform accepts all major credit cards including Visa, Mastercard, American Express.

7. Why did my payment fail?

Occasionally payments fail.

This failed payment and the failure notice will be added to the transactions list.

If there is no stated reason, the parent should reach out to their bank/financial institution for further clarification.

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